About Me

Lisa K. Pope

As a teen mom, college dropout, and a wife at age 19, the odds of success were not in my favor.

But God…His favor and plan for my life prevail! “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Today, I am a real estate agent, and writer and work in my son’s business, High Arc Media, as an executive assistant.

Over the years I have learned and have come to embrace my contribution to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth: impartation. Writing, for me, is another extension of imparting.

Early in life, I decided on the freedom to be me, to be thankful for the skin I am in, and the life God designed for me!

I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 33.5 years (united since 1984), a mother of 2 adult children, a daughter, and a son, an older sister to two brothers, a sister-in-love, two brothers-in- loves, and an aunt to seven nieces and nephews. And I have a wonderful mother-in-love.

I am a traveler at heart, find joy in journaling, and am extremely passionate about my life as a Kingdom citizen

On this blog, you will find life stories, advice, and resources that have been essential to my life and prayerfully uplift yours. 

Let’s face it.

We all need life-essential enhancements in:

  • Relationship and fellowship with the Lord
  • Traveling whenever and wherever 
  • Making smarter decisions about money, time, and life
  • Starting daily behaviors and habits that create a lifestyle you value most
  • Uncovering a fearless, stronger, more successful version of the true you

My goal with this blog is to inspire and encourage you to discover and embrace the plan God has for your life. Together we will let God be our guide. – “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

If this resonates with you, welcome home. You have found a great community in this haven of the internet.

Along the journey, we will venture into topics on a little bit of everything – from time with God to prayer, travel to investing, to self-love to humor. Hopefully, we will exchange stories and ideas about life in the Kingdom of God, traveling, entrepreneurship, personal development, and a philosophy of life and money. Life in general!

If you are intrigued, explore the blog, download the FREE prayer guide, Wednesdays with God, and join our online community of subscribers. 

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Matthew 6:33 NIV