
Heartfelt Tribute

The time has come and what a tremendous release. I have wanted to start blogging for a few years now and I am finally doing it. I am writing my first blog as a tribute to my inspiration, my cousin, Tondra Monel Carter. She would have celebrated her 52nd birthday Tuesday, July 13, 2021.

My heart aches. It is hard to write this. It’s so overwhelming. I have great memories of her and I will cherish every moment.

Tondra was full of life and lived in Memphis, TN with her foster daughter Zymeriah. She graduated from Philander Smith College, in Little Rock, Arkansas, and received a bachelor of arts degree in English. She received her certification in elementary education from Lemoyne Owen College, in Memphis, TN, and became a very successful kindergarten teacher at Wells Station Elementary. Some of her accomplishments were being initiated into Delta Sigma Theta sorority, editor for Arkansas State Press Newspaper in Little Rock Arkansas, editor for “The Bell” newsletter for Breath of Life Christian Center. She also wrote for B-Visible and Grace magazine. However, her most precious reward was her relationship with Jesus Christ.

Everyone that knew her experienced her true friendship, compassion for others, love of a variety of music, and Prince as her favorite artist.

Tondra Carter in Prince’s hometown, Minnesota

One of my most fond memories of our childhood was when we were little girls about eight years old. We were at our grandmother’s house one summer day and we played all sorts of games and dress up. Tondra loved for us to take colorful yarn, tie it around our plaits, braid it as if it were hair, and put barrettes at the end of each one. The goal was for us to have long hair that flowed down our back and moved with the wind as we ran. We had so much fun.

Gone so very soon! I can still hear your laugh in my ears. The hurt hurts. Losing a cousin, my cousin, was a painful experience. She was my first true friend and confidant. I was the oldest of two brothers and she was an only child, so we were also sister cousins. My family by birth. My friend by choice. My cousin forever. I am grateful for our years together and that the Lord saw fit to place us in the same family.

On Friday, May 14, 2021, we suffered the loss of my cousin, Tondra Monel Carter. Part of my push, drive, and inspiration comes from her. I am reminded of her passion for writing and desire to travel the world. She talked of becoming a travel agent and being ready to help clients book their trips as Covid-19 came to an end and people would crave travel again. I am saddened that we will never be able to travel together but I am excited that her legacy will live on. I will write, inspire, and travel for us both.

Rejoice before the King. Love, hugs and kisses!

Until we meet again, my sweet cousin.


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