Encouragement,  Life

Empowerment to Navigate Life Transitions

Are you currently navigating through a life transition? Willingly and enthusiastically accept the Father’s help to unlock your potential and achieve Kingdom direction.

Whether the life transition is happening in your business, home, finances or health, you can receive the answers to your petitions.

Winter, spring, summer and fall are all natural seasons, but they are also seasons of life. I have experienced every season, as I am sure you have as well. But one thing is for sure is that God never changes and He doesn’t give us more than we can handle.

Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:6

Embracing the Shift and Know When to Pivot

Whatever season of life you are in right now, do not worry, seasons change. This can be hard to take in if you are in a winter season at the moment. Keep moving forward through the seasons.

September 2018, I left corporate America to pursue real estate full time. Over the years I have had jobs that I left to take on other pursuits but this time everything felt different. I had fear! I had never been afraid to leave a job before and I was shocked about the emotions that I was feeling. The Lord had given me the green light and so did my husband. But what did I do? I stayed longer than I was supposed to, consulted others including my adult children and tried to reason why it wasn’t a good time.

Although I had allowed fear to invade my life, there was still internal peace. I knew that God would never leave me nor forsake me. He is always in control and directs my path. The shift was taking place and I had to follow the Lord’s lead.

Every new transition in life has its own set of challenges and we have to learn how to navigate through the process. No one, except the Holy Ghost knows what’s in tomorrow, so consulting Him is always key!

Transitions aren’t easy like losing a job, being a first time mom, broken relationships, a failing marriage, sickness in your body, disruptive children, and no peace of mind are problems people face on a daily basis. Going through life without the help of the Lord is harder than anything one could imagine. Everyday we must trust God to provide all of our needs regardless of the season we’re in.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:33

Why Should You Ask for God’s Wisdom and Insight?

Key Benefits of Gaining Wisdom:

1. Clarity and Vision: Gain greater clarity for your goals, values, and aspirations by seeking to ensure that your plans are aligned with God’s plan. You do not know nor can you see into the future. With the Holy Spirit’s help you can build a foundation that is fortified in God’s will. –Jerimiah 29:11-13

2. Strategy and Action: Develop an action plan that breaks down your goals into achievable steps. Stay on track and confidently navigate challenges with a Kingdom-minded approach. –Habakkuk 2: 2-3

3. Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Renew your mind by reading the word of God. Ask God to help you come into the truth about who you are and how to reach your highest potential. –Proverbs 23:7a

4. Accountability and Support: If you do not have friends or a support group, pray for divine connections to receive unwavering support. This will allow you to stay accountable and committed to your goals and directives given to you by God. Celebrate your wins and receive guidance based on the word of God during challenging times. –Ecclesiastes 4:12

5. Boosted Self-Confidence and Changed Mind-Set: Romans 12:2 states “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Watch your faith soar as you witness your growth and achievements. Embrace new opportunities and step into your full potential.

6. Prayers of Petition: The Lord tells us that in all of our ways to acknowledge Him and He will direct our path. You don’t have to know the future, answers to life’s challenges nor try to solve your own problems. Pray and seek the One who knows all. – I John 5:14-15

Wrap Up ⌛

Although life does have seasons of pain, it can be and is refreshing and rewarding when we seek the Kingdom of God. He wants us to have life more abundantly, so speak life and encourage yourself daily!

I can say now that leaving corporate America was beneficial for me. We cannot be afraid of failure or taking on risks. However, we should learn from and embrace life transitions.

Ready to embark on a transformative journey of your life? Plug into connecting to the Lord and experience the benefits of Kingdom living.

Don’t face life transitions alone – equip yourself with the word of God. If you don’t have a support group, start one. Seek the Lord’s blueprint for your life and live empowered as you navigate through life transitions.

Be empowered. Be encouraged. Thirst for righteousness and enjoy the life God gave and has for you.

Life is good! God wants us to know that seasons come and go. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). We Win!!! 1 Timothy 6:12

Click here to read “Your Life is Telling a Story”

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