Spiritual Life

Being Grateful Everyday by Choice

Be grateful, give thanks, show love, have peace in your heart, and be generous…

We see expressions everywhere about being grateful and showing gratitude.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

As I was meditating and reading this morning, I realized that we as people overlook and take many things for granted. On good days we remember God and during crises, we forget Him.

Why must we be told and reminded of things, such as being grateful, that should come naturally?

Why does God tell us throughout His word to be thankful?

Why do you hear others across the globe sharing their thoughts and expressing reasons to have gratitude?

It’s simple. When we show gratitude, love, and peace spread through our hearts, soul, and life! As we begin to be more appreciative we attract God’s blessings.

The Lord tells us in His word to give thanks in ALL circumstances. All means just that, all. Give praise in good times and hardships. Shout praises and worship every day and in all circumstances.

When we operate in love and gratitude, we can see areas of healing, forgiveness, and bitterness dissipate. You cannot be bitter and show gratitude at the same time.

Make gratefulness a course of action everyday!


In Short

Let’s continue to encourage one another daily and also share our testimony of the goodness of Christ Jesus. In great and tough seasons of life.

God is calling His people to a higher standard of living. As we draw closer to our Father, meditate on His word, and renew our minds, we become transformed. We began to live a life that is authentic and automatic!

In a life that’s transformed by gratitude, we:

  • Walk in love
  • Share God’s goodness
  • Give thanks
  • Show gratitude
  • Be Kingdom minded
  • And exude happiness

Grateful is defined as feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.

Being grateful feels good. I am grateful! 🙌🏽

*What are you grateful for? Share it in the comments section.

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