Spiritual Life

Finding Focus with God’s Help

The new year is here and many of us are working hard to stick to our goals, visions, and dedicated priorities. One of my areas of focus, or should I say, my main focus is the Kingdom of God. And becoming more sensitive to His promptings and not just tangible things.

The word of God tells us in Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 NIV to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to us.

While I have been focusing more on time with God, I have been distracted by the cares of this world, lately. Staying centered has been key.

Help me Lord to stay focused and help my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as well. We need you in every area of our lives. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

The Importance of Being Focused

There is one thing for sure, to succeed at building your prayer life, any work or pursuit, we must be able to concentrate. It enables us to focus our attention and efforts on a certain aim, which can significantly improve our chances of Kingdom work and life successes.

One effective way to focus is to create a clear and specific habit or goal for yourself. I say habit, but it’s more of a discipline per se. This could be something as simple as completing a project or as complex as starting a business. But more importantly, spending time with God. One of the things that I cherish and have been doing for years is Wednesdays with God.

Benefits of Scheduling Time with the King 👑

  • Life becomes more meaningful
  • You get to know God’s will
  • Stay humble
  • It reminds you of our dependence on the Father
  • Operate with Spiritual discernment
  • Express your love and devotion to the King
  • Develop self-discipline and draw closer to living a Kingdom lifestyle

Daily Routines

Once you have a goal in mind, you can break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks and design your day, week and year accordingly. This will make it easier to focus on what needs to be done. And it will also help you to see progress, stay connected, and be motivated.

Sometimes getting our life and day in order requires help. God tells us in I Chronicles 16:11 GNT to go to the Lord for help and worship Him continually. Always feel free and at peace to ask Him for assistance and guidance.


Another important aspect of focusing is eliminating distractions. This can be a challenge today with such a fast-paced, technology-filled world. But it is essential if you want to achieve your spiritual and life enhancements.

Some ways to eliminate distractions:

  • Set boundaries with technology and don’t allow grabbing your cell phone be the first thing you reach for in the morning
  • Create a designated prayer space or closet
  • Turn off the television, pull away from social media and cancel out any other noise around you
  • Set time-limits for yourself

To help you focus, you can also try using techniques such as thankfulness, meditation on God’s word, and deep breathing. These practices can help you to stay present, in the moment and to quiet your mind.

Some mornings I wake up with racing thoughts. I lie still, begin to speak to the Lord, give thanks, meditate on scripture and breathe. This practice is therapeutic for me and I am appreciative of this time.

The End Focus 🎯

In conclusion, focusing is crucial for achieving a Kingdom relationship with the Lord. And becoming the Kingdom citizen He has called us to be. We can have success, build a better fellowship, and enhance our lives by setting clear and specific timelines, eliminating distractions, and using techniques such as thankfulness, meditating on the Kingdom of God, prayer, and deep breathing.

Put the Kingdom First. Pray. Let God be your guide. And take one day at a time! 🙌🏽

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What has the start of the year been like for you thus far? Are you staying focused on your goals for the Kingdom and other successes? Share them in the comments below.

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