Encouragement,  Life

Life Beyond a Resolution: Rediscovering Your New Year’s Vision

Here we are at the end of the fourth quarter preparing to face another New Year. For some they are experiencing a phenomenal sense of excitement and others are feeling unaccomplished and trying to figure out where the year went.

I am delighted about the New Year and equally elated to see this day that I woke up and can take deep breaths as I savor these last days of the year.

God has a plan. Are you ready?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


First and foremost, take some time to consider what has gone well and how you have improved as a result of both your achievements and disappointments before we begin our next orbit around the sun. Set your sights on a vision of what might be after you have a clear understanding of where you’ve been.

Start with gratitude. Be thankful for the accomplishments and trials. The Lord tells us in James 1:2-4 to Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

*Transparent Moment: I’m still working on the part that says “Consider it pure joy whenever I face trials of many kinds.” The good I like, it’s the challenges that challenge me. I want to be complete and lack nothing.

Did you journal throughout the year?

If so, this will make it easier to reflect, speak and write down your words of gratitude to the Father. It will also allow you to tap into the areas that God is directing.

You have access to something through this process that is much more potent than a traditional New Year’s resolution.

Start with these questions if you do not remember your year-long timeline or if you need a refresher. Spend some time with them before recording your responses. Ask yourself, “And what else?” as your responses start to flow.

  1. Did I grow closer the God this year? Did I grow spiritually?
  2. What obstacles did I encounter? What did I learn from those experiences, whether or not I triumphed?
  3. Did I share the Kingdom of God with anyone?
  4. What is my precise plan for how I want to live my greatest life in the upcoming year and beyond?
  5. What impact did I have in life with my existence and how did I spend my time?

These are just a few questions, feel free to add more, journal, or jot down your thoughts. Let God be your guide. He tells us in James 1:5 that If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Progress and Advancement

Let’s face it, when you want to progress and have advancement, a resolution just will not do. We need proper alignment and guidance in our life. I don’t know about you, but it is a challenge to figure out what to do each day. You have to ask yourself, is what I am doing effective although I am busy?

God sees and intends something special for each of His children. God desires to be glorified via our life. But projecting our vision differs from understanding God’s vision. We like to have everything planned out when we make plans. Think back to your most recent trip. When you plotted the route, you needed to know the starting point, the destination, the rest stops, and the precise duration of the journey.

Many of us take the same approach to our life plans; we try to figure out all the specifics in advance and want to have all the answers before we set out on the road. For God, this is not the case. God gradually makes known to us His plan for our life.

How did you maximize your time over the last 12 months? When we think on our life we must think of our time and how we invest it.

Rediscovering Your New Year’s Vision

Why does having a New Year’s vision instead of a resolution work better? Resolutions typically only address actions and are therefore one-dimensional. Visit the gym for a workout. Save more cash. Eat healthier. Behaviors are not particularly motivating, and when a specific resolution is broken, discouragement, guilt, and shame set in.

On the other side, your vision is a rich tapestry of who you want to be and how you want your life to be. Your vision serves as a beacon that directs you in the direction of living your best life. Your vision will motivate you to discover a solution.

Undoubtedly your vision has to begin and end with God. This year let’s take a different approach and see how the Lord unfolds His will and plan for our lives. We don’t have to come up with or discover a new plan, but rediscover the thing that has been forgotten or ignored.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8

Wrap Up

First, embrace God’s vision, second be a good steward, and third be faithful in small things. Do not despise small beginnings. Zechariah 4:10

In order to bring glory to God, make a commitment to Him that you will embrace His plan for your life in the upcoming year. By requesting Him to reveal His plan for your life, you can get ready to accept His vision. To combat the criticism, frustration, and spiritual assaults you could experience in carrying out God’s will, enlist the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Continue to be dependable in the lesser responsibilities you now have while you wait for more authority in the Kingdom of God.

Join me as I rediscover some things in my life. During the next 12 months of the upcoming year, I hope to share what the Holy Spirit will pour into me, direct and give insight. Thank You Father in advance for discernment!

Let’s reconnect to the Father in a way that’s completely satisfying, engaging, charismatic, and passionate! *Share in the comments a few your New Year’s appreciation.

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