Faith,  Life

The First Friday of 12-2-22

It’s 6:25 AM Saturday. The day after my social occasion to see Michelle Obama live at the Fox Theatre for her “The Light We Carry” book tour. Truly, I did not think I would be writing a blog post with any mention of events from Friday night.

First, let me just say, I am amazed at how swiftly this year seemed to have whisked by. We are now in the twelfth month of 2022! As I reflect on this year, I am reminded of the many blessings, trials, and teachings of the Holy Spirit. If you are like me, you have experienced seasons of growth and life lessons.

As we, Kingdom citizens, allow God to be our guide, we will experience and encounter life as the Holy Spirit leads. We are to observe life beyond our vision of ourselves and embark on what the Lord is showing us daily, His plan and insight.

Every day that we are given another day of life, the Lord gives us something to learn and look forward to if we take the time to acknowledge, listen, and be led by Him.

This past Friday, I was eager to learn. God was with me and I could feel His presence and hear His voice.

In this Post I will Share:

  • My activity for the first Friday of December 2022
  • Some of the things the Lord spoke to me during the day of Friday, December 2
  • Snippets of the “Light We Carry” book tour
  • Takeaways

Friday was a good day and a day filled with grace, beauty, and God’s promptings. Overall it was a quiet day with an invitation to a great event. I went home afterward, grabbed some juice, and shared a wonderful conversation with my husband, Derick.

Friday Morning Declaration

4:30 AM Friday, December 2, 2022.

At first, I woke up feeling a nagging overwhelming contemplation of “Why did you say yes? You are not interested in seeing Michelle Obama, nor going in a crowd of people. Cancel immediately!”

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I made a conscience decision and pushed that morning doubt out of my head. And immediately after saying “Good Morning” to the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, I heard the Lord’s voice:

You are a light and salt of the earth. Go.

Needless to say, I did go to the event and I am glad that I did.

The Lord desires for us to trust, believe, and have faith in Him.

Trust (Proverbs 3:5) Just believe (Mark 5:36). Have faith (Matthew 17:20).

Shine: Salt and Light

As a rule, being a Kingdom citizen has no hourly or daily shift. It is a lifestyle that is 365 days, 7 days a week.

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world." Matthew 5: 13-16

God expects us to be like Jesus and represent Him at all times. The Lord is the ultimate Fatherly example and we should strive to model after Him.

This Friday, I grasped that greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world. I embrace the fact that we should not be judgmental and operate in the love of Christ.

I felt light and like a light throughout the day.

Watch. Pray. Listen.

Generally, I am usually on go and ready for a fun time but I had lollygagged most of Friday morning and was soaking in the peacefulness of the moment. The Lord was orchestrating the day so I knew all was well.

In the beginning, the plan was for my friend and me to meet up at a specified location and ride together to the venue. However, it turns out that we had to meet at one of the parking lots in Atlanta near the Fox theatre.

As my husband and I drove we were talking about a little bit of everything and then went into our world of thoughts. I begin to stare out of the window and look up at the sky, the people, the cars around us, and the buildings. I prayed softly.

The peace that was felt throughout the day was very serene.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 26:41 to Watch and pray. I watched, listened, and prayed!

My Observations of the Day:

During the drive

  • At about 6:50 PM we made it to the street, Ponce De Leon and I noticed this long line of people standing in the dark at a highly lit building as we drove by. My first reaction was that I hoped that wasn’t the place of the book tour. Turns out it wasn’t. It was a line of last-day early voters.
  • People will stand in long lines to vote for what they believe will make a difference. A person that will represent and speak for them.
  • God said, “He is the Judge and He rules every leader. Nothing is by happenstance. He is in control.”
  • I continued to observe and listen to the King’s still voice throughout the evening.

When it goes well for the righteous, the city rejoices, And when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy. Proverbs 11:10.

Outside the Fox Theatre
  • The street was well lit and people were everywhere. Christmas lights adorned some of the street line trees and flashing lights were on the building.
  • God whispered, “All people are His people. Whether born-again or not, all are His creations.
  • In addition to all that was going on around us, I noticed three young black males playing instruments in front of the theatre. The sound of a trumpet and other instruments resonated with the atmosphere.
  • People of all ages, races, and gender gathered to see another human. A human deemed worthy of their time. The human being, former first lady, Michelle Obama.

I have to say that I was delighted to see so many people of color. A beautiful array of people, orderly and poised.

Undoubtedly as we walked towards the entrance and breathed in the night’s air, there were various things I said “Thank You” for. The Lord was instructing me to take in my surroundings and be in the present.

Seated Inside the Fox Theatre

Although the line was long to enter the theatre, it progressed quite quickly. We were able to locate the powder room, gather popcorn and soda, and find curtain D in the orchestra section all before Tyler and Michelle graced the stage.

The theatre was filled with people eager to hear a word from Michelle Obama and gain insight into her new book. I was delighted to be a part of this special occasion, however, I was more in tune and above and beyond ecstatic about what the Lord wanted to impart in me.

It should be noted that before this night, I had not been a true follower of Michelle Obama, nor read her book. She was the FLOTUS and I viewed her as such. I did not esteem her to be higher or untouchable but just not relatable.

The Presentation

Michelle Obama’s entrance on stage

The interview was moderated by Tyler Perry, filmmaker, actor, writer, and director. Former 1st Lady Michelle Obama came to the Fox Theater in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 2, 2022, to promote her book, “The Light We Carry.” She shared insights on marriage and family among other things.

After the presentation, I concluded, Mrs. Obama, appears to be down-to-earth, relatable, and insightful. She has been entrusted with power and influence and carries herself with dignity. There were nuggets I was able to gather during her discussion.

A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. Proverbs 18:16

The Lord spoke that all of His children enter the world with a gift and or talent. He uses all of us for His purpose and glory. And that every believer should pray for every person to come into the knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven.

As each one of us reflects on our life and even this year what are the gifts and talents that God is currently using you?


-First of all, I am empowered, strengthened, and forever grateful for the love that the Father has shown me throughout my life and this particular day.

-Secondly, the Lord wants us to develop relationships and share the good news of the Kingdom.

-Third, take time to learn about the history and legacy of others. And find out what we can do to contribute to the Kingdom and impart to others.

Take time to enjoy your life and day. Pay attention to what’s going on around you and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

-No matter who we are in life, what we have, status, fame, religious belief, or fortune everyone is searching. Searching for hope, a deity.

-Use the platform that God has given you to encourage, uplift, and share the message of the Kingdom.

Just like former First Lady Michelle Obama and Tyler Perry, we all have a platform and a message to share.

-And lastly, if we have a relationship and fellowship with Christ, being a Kingdom citizen, we should not be ashamed to acknowledge and speak of Him. We have a light and we should carry our light wherever we go and not dim it!

Are You a Light?

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16

What did your first Friday of December consist of? Leave me a comment below.

Read about building Kingdom Relationships, be a light and pray for yourself as well as others. Letters to the King is a great gift to give. Order and share today!


  • Joyce Jordan

    To GOD be ALL the GLORY ! Thank you Lisa for your wonderful, inspiring, heartfelt blog. As I looked back on last Fri, being sick with an abcess on my teeth but still pushed through the day, went to Church that evening to a viewing of our FL Ruby last brother. Helped set up fellowship hall for the repast the next day. Got really sick after eating some fast food, yet I Praised and thank Almighty God! Realizing that after Everything that I go through, it could be worse, God Is Good and his Grace and Mercy is sufficient! Thank you for sharing your great experience!

    • Lisa K Pope

      Hey Joyce! YES! Thank God for giving us strength to push through, carry on and praise Him no matter the storm. Hope you are feeling better! Thank you so much for sharing your Friday with us. 😊🥰

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