
Do Not Forget My Laws

In Proverbs chapter 3 verse 1, God admonishes us not to forget His Law, but to keep His commands in our hearts. He tells us that His laws and commands add length to our days, long life and peace.

As Kingdom Citizens, God wants us to be His expressed image here on the earth just as Christ was. We are of His nature and character as stated in Genesis 1:26. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

When God used the words image and likeness, He is saying that He wants us to function like He functions because we have His nature and characteristics. God functions by Laws, His inherent Laws, that never change.

God’s Original Intent

God’s original intent was for mankind to have dominion over the earth. He wanted to extend His Heavenly Kingdom from the invisible (Supernatural) to the visible (Natural) earth. He could only do that through His children (mankind) as long as we obeyed His Law.

The first thing God gave man was Law. He gave Adam instructions and commands of what to do and what not to do. The most important thing that God wanted from Adam was obedience. He told Adam not to eat from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for the day that he did, he would surely die or be cut off from God.

We know the story from there, Adam and his wife, Eve, disobeyed God and were expelled from the Garden of Eden. God has only wanted and continues to want man to obey His laws, commands, and principles, because the Kingdom of God functions strictly by inherent Laws.

Wisdom Is the Principal Thing

The Lord tells us that His Laws are Wisdom. When we obey God’s Laws, we are wise and when we apply His Laws, understand and practice them. If we are to live in the Kingdom of God, then we must submit to the Laws of His Kingdom. God said in Proverbs 3:13 that Blessed, are those who find wisdom, and those who gain understanding.

It was God’s intent for mankind to be self-governing by maintaining the disciplines that He mandated for us in the beginning. The law God gave Adam was for his protection and for him to maximize all that God entrusted him with. As long as Adam kept the Law, he operated at his full potential in the Kingdom of God. By disobeying the law God gave him, Adam fell from dominion, from his rightful place, because he became wise in his own eyes.

Obedience to the laws of God produces the benefits of His Kingdom naturally and automatically. This is the wisdom that a man finds and makes him happy. God still wants us to follow the same instructions of obedience today. His original intent for mankind hasn’t changed.

The Second Adam Brought Restoration

Jesus, the second Adam, came to correct and restore mankind’s status within the Kingdom of God. The program of salvation was God’s way of reconnecting us to heaven. Christ paid man’s sin debt which allowed the Holy Spirit to come back into the earth to dwell within man. We are now empowered by Grace to keep God’s inherent laws.

God has said in His word that the rights and privileges of the Kingdom of Heaven first given to mankind are now restored to all men through Christ Jesus. God’s Laws are created to protect, enhance and enrich every area of our life. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:7 to not be wise in our own eyes. He wants us to trust in Him with all of our heart and not lean into our own understanding.

He wants us to know that His Laws bring peace, wisdom, reassurance, and safety. Subsequently, we can now abide in the nurturing truth of God’s Laws and without a doubt, live a life of freedom and joyfulness.

God’s Government (His Kingdom)

The purpose for man’s creation was to administrate God’s Kingdom on earth. He doesn’t want us to create our own laws and try to live in His Kingdom. We must change our thinking as Jesus instructed us in Matthew 4:17 ” From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” The Hebrew meaning for repent means to change your thinking, He was saying that the government of God has come back, so change the way you think.

The Kingdom of God is a country, it is God’s government under His ruling authority. His instructions, commands, and decrees are mandated for the citizens of His Kingdom. The knowledge of God’s Laws and Principles creates wisdom and reaps all the rewards and promises stated in His constitution (The Bible). He tells us that when we are willing and obedient, we shall eat the good of the land.

In summary, we must learn to delight in the laws, principles, commands, and decrees of God. We should take pleasure in keeping the Law of God. His Laws serve us by way of His unfailing love. They aren’t grievous nor burdensome. If they are, then we are not truly Kingdom citizens as of yet. Only we can make that decision, God will not force us into Kingdom citizenship, but those who desire citizenship force their way in.

What does keeping the commands of God mean to you personally? How do you engage with the Lord to make sure that you don’t forget His Law?

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  • Quanda Jackson

    Well said! Keeping the commands of God are very important to me. The Holy Spirit will definitely keep us in check if we allow Him to.

    • Derick Pope

      Thanks for the feedback, Quanda. You are correct, the Holy Spirit empowers us with the Grace of God to have the ability to keep His Laws when we set our will to do the will of the Father.

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