Encouragement,  Self-Care

What Is the Meaning of My Life?

As I look back over the years, I have had various jobs and businesses. Many of the things I ventured in to have helped prepare me for the businesswoman I am today.

In the beginning, I believed that I was making my own choices and decisions, however, I now realize that my life is not my own and that the Lord orchestrates it all.

For most of my adulthood, I had been in a state of wondering what in the world the Lord wanted me to do. I searched, I prayed, and I pleaded with God to give me an answer or show me a sign.

Are you trying to figure out your assignment in life? a.k.a. What is your purpose and meaning for existence? It has taken me years to figure “it” out only to find out I have been doing “it” all along.


In this post, we will cover my life as a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. Also, motivation, time, frustrations, and the meaning of life. But, before we dive into this subject, let’s look at and define a few words. And the conclusion of all of this striving.

Definitions as defined by Dictionary.com:

  • Restless: characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest, characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest, never at rest; perpetually agitated or in motion
  • Desire: to wish or long for; crave, want, to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request
  • Meaning: important or worthwhile quality; purpose
  • Life: the existence of an individual human being or animal
  • Motivation: the state or condition of being motivated or having a strong reason to act or accomplish something
  • Time: duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity; finite duration
  • Frustration: a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems


Let’s start with frustration. I was frustrated over, “Who am I?”

So many of us have been in a state of frustration in life and want answers. If you are like me, you have listened to motivational speakers, taken quizzes on discovering your passion, created vision boards, made a list of things you love to do, figure out what you don’t love, and asked friends and relatives what they see in you, prayed, and journaled!

I spent so much energy trying to unearth my locked up, undiscovered potential, and to no avail. I felt like a dog chasing its tail. I wanted to know if I had a gift that compared to a singer, a painter, an actor, or a model. Surely, God had given me gifts and talents that were similar. Or did He? He gave me the talents that He wanted me to have and not the talents I thought I should have. I see now that all of my efforts were simply works of the flesh.

God wants us to completely trust and follow Him for the direction of our lives. When we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, there is no frustration.

Restless Desire

The unfulfilled desire that we experience is because we tend to focus on the wrong things and sometimes we speak the wrong things into existence. Not only have we been thinking incorrectly, but we have also spoken untruths as well. Speaking what we desire and not what God desires for us is what leaves us unfulfilled.

Whether or not we are being honest with ourselves, when we speak, think or act, based on our own selfish desires, our mind doesn’t know the difference. When we follow the desire God puts in our heart then we can rest in that.

Speak life. Change the way you talk to and about yourself and you can change your life and begin to see and feel a difference. The heart is where we store our experiences, resolutions, convictions, beliefs, fears, hopes, and desires. The heart regulates the actions of our minds and it gives our minds the material to work with.

As a Man Thinks in His Heart So the Man Lives

Out of the heart flows the issues of life. Change depends on your heart and not your thinking or your mind. Take heed to what goes into your mind because eventually it seeps into your heart. The gate of the heart is the mind. And the gate of the mind is the senses.

You will forever be frustrated and without answers until you get your mouth and mindset in order. The only source of good information about who we are in life and what our purpose in life is is God’s word.

The Motivation

Positive motivation was another key element that I believed would steer me in the right direction and get me closer to my passion.

I used to crave hearing a good sermon, hoping it would give me enlightenment and inspiration. I longed to hear what was being preached in hopes that it would be specifically for me. And that it would be just the word I needed to hear from the Lord. I got an emotional pick-me-up from speakers, preachers, and teachers.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to motivation just as much as anyone but here’s the reality. It doesn’t last. It’s temporary. Everyone wants a feel-good message and to be told good things. What I didn’t want was correction. I needed the truth of God’s word as it related to His original intent for my life and mankind.

Whatever purpose we pursue has to be in line with the Lord’s purpose. That’s the true motivation!

What I know:

  • Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. You can not hear something, once, twice, or three times. It has to be heard, studied, and meditated.
  • God reveals who we are and our calling and nudges us to draw closer to Him and the Kingdom of God. Your answer is in His word and your fellowship with Him.
  • People mostly want to be motivated and not corrected.
  • There is no need for frustration and anxiousness but there is a need for God’s correction and training.
  • God does not motivate us, He corrects us.
  • What I thought were motivators from the Lord, I realized they are qualifiers. “If you”, “Seek me”, “Be” “Do not”, “Keep”, “Obey”, “Repent”.
  • Obedience brings forth success.

Time is Currency

When was the first time you realized that TIME equals a system of money? Whether you spend your time on a job you dislike, sitting on the sofa, pouring into someone else or living your best life, it’s time that you can not get back and is spent.

I can attest that I have wasted a lot of time, aka, money, and also did not productively utilize time. You can never know who you are unless you spend time with The Creator. He knows you and gave you a manual for you to get to know Him.


In life, there will be times of restlessness, fear, doubt, and being off course. I want to encourage you to take small steps every day. God has designed for you a life He desires. He sees you as a finished product. Fearfully and wonderfully made. You may not be doing all that you hoped to but know that if you are a Kingdom citizen, your life is connected in a way that only the Father can unfold.

Allow the Holy Spirit to correct and train you. Get out of your own way, let go of operating in feelings and emotions.

There will be obstacles, there will be waiting, there will be struggles, there will be disappointments and God will be silent from time to time. But remember, that regardless of what you are experiencing or if you feel left out, know that the Lord says in Romans 8:28 that we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

Focus Points in Discovery

Here are some things I do and did to help me navigate through life to gain more clarity and focus.

  • I asked for help. I asked a close friend to give me feedback and her perspective of me. This helped me pinpoint key indicators and personality traits. I wanted to know her viewpoint of me from the outside looking in.
  • I journaled. Journaling allowed me to go back in time to see what my thinking was like and the self-talk I had engaged in.
  • I went on getaways. Before a purpose can be revealed, you’ve got to know who you are and be comfortable with yourself and being alone. A getaway can be a few days away from home or a day at the park. This is time for you to decompress, be still and listen.
  • I fasted and prayed. I prayed for myself and others that struggle with dilemmas in life. BUT, the most important thing I did was connected to and drew closer to the Father. I studied His word, laws and principles.

The Uncovering and Conclusion

The truth is that whether you find your passion or not, your life and work has meaning. As Solomon said, so well, that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them? Ecclesiastes 3:22 And that the conclusion of the matter is to Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. Ecclesiastes 12:13

God’s plan and purpose for our life is not what we think or hold near and dear but what He needs.

My Life as a Wife, Mother and Entrepreneur

What I do now. I meditate on God’s word and it brings me peace. I understand that the answer, all answers are in His word. The things I did in the past up to the present lead me to become who I am today.

As a Wife: I enjoy my life as a wife. I believe who God intended for me to be, makes me a good wife to my husband and allows me to flourish. Being a wife is something I thrive in. I am fearfully and wonderfully made to be in this role. Is this a gift, a calling, or a purpose? Yes, I believe so. It’s part of His administration.

As a Mother: Being a mom is something I wish every woman that has desired to be a mom can experience. Some of my fond memories are feeling them kick while I was carrying them. Seeing them for the first time and watching them grow. Today, having adult children allows me to experience life with the people that we raised. We trained them up in the way that they should go and continue to pray that they will not depart from it now that they are older. This too, being a mother, I feel that this calling fulfills me because I understand this God-given assignment.

As an Entrepreneur: I’ve always felt that I had an entrepreneurial spirit. I felt it was part of my identity. As a child I sold candy, collected and sold cans and cardboard. In my early adulthood, I had several side hustles. Fast forward to today, I am a realtor, a blogger and executive assistant.

As a realtor, I work well with my brother who is an investor and with clients that buy and sale their property. I also consult and host 1st time home buyer seminars.

As a blogger, this is a new area for me but I love and enjoy it. I have been journaling for years and longed to blog long before now. My husband asked me one day if I would blog even if there were no potential monetary value in it and the answer was an astounding YES! His question unlocked a mystery for me. It was a key that opened what I thought was a hidden door.

As an executive assistant, casting director, project manager, etc., etc. in, High Arc Media, my son’s business. Imagine raising your child, not knowing who he would become, and he grows to be a business owner. And the business owner becomes your boss. A boss that you like, want to see succeed, and would help for free! What a blessing this truly is.


I enjoy my work, being a mother and a wife. I can say that my restless desire is being fulfilled. I desire and am whole in what God has assigned me. A wife, mother, daughter, sister, and entrepreneur. I am a child of the Most High God!

As I think about all that I do and have done, it all has to do with connecting and helping others. This is God’s design.

Finding your passion and purpose in life or the thing that gets you going each morning, has more to do with discovering who you are in Him. Make the Lord Your focal point and center of it all. Never make your own plans and bring them to God. Always ask Him what His plans are for your life.

Proverbs 19:21 states Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Comment below on your journey to find your life's meaning and purpose. 


  • Quanda Jackson

    Wow! This was so on point and powerful🙏🏾 Continue to allow God to use you🙌🏾 It definitely reminded me of my journey and where I am today🤩. I also shared this blog with someone who needed to hear it today. It was right on time!

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