Encouragement,  Faith

Be Still…

Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:10 AMPC

Slow Down

Today, on our morning walk in the park, the Lord wanted us to slow down. We stopped, listened, and observed our surroundings. We took note of some of the things we normally bypass.

As we strolled, I was reminded of God’s promptings and teaching on how He wants us to make Him a priority and to seek Him first every day.

Life is Longer than We Think

One cliché we hear is that “Life is short”, however, life is long. It’s only short because we are rushing to get to the next best thing or hoping that the next day would be better. We want more in life, but we fail to realize that we already have access to it.

We can gain so much more in life if we would be still and allow the Lord to speak to us. He speaks in various ways, and we must train ourselves to quiet our thoughts and listen.

Stop, Listen and Observe

Derick and I enjoyed our walk in a new light. The Holy Spirit gently nudged us to take the time to see the beauty in all that God has created. This walk was a lesson and an experience. Psalm 24:1 rang loud and clear. “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” We felt His presence and sensed His watchful eye as we soaked in the tender moments of life and beauty around us. He desires to take care of His living creations. Let’s allow Him to do just that.

Peace, Calm, Serenity

This is what came over me when I decided to be obedient and make a conscious decision to enter God’s rest. My mind had been on tasks I wanted to accomplish. I was tense and didn’t want to go for a walk because of my work. God and I had, had a wonderful morning during my prayer time and He wanted to continue it during my walk.

Everything we thought we needed to do had to wait. It was not important. God’s presence took precedence. The Lord wants us to be obedient to His voice when He speaks.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.


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