
Kingdom First – The Key to Life’s Essentials

It has taken me years, decades to grasp what God has been revealing and trying to get me to understand. The nudging and the promptings have been throughout my life. I was not fully listening or engaged. The scales have fallen from my eyes and every day the Lord shares with me how to obtain access to the Kingdom of God.

My Thoughts

My thoughts were to give you a back story then fast forward to today but I’m going to save that for another post and just dive right in. If you are a born-again believer, then you already know that God will take you through the wilderness before you get access to the promised land. As kingdom citizens we don’t get to do what or live like the world does. To whom much is given, much is required. Luke 12:48.

So let me tell you that after years of creating vision boards, quoting scriptures and affirmations, God dissected Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 for me to chew in smaller pieces. Kingdom First, rings in my ears.

Matthew chapter 6 verse 33

Here is Matthew 6:33 NKJV:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Note: For a more in-depth experience, stop here and read the full chapter of Matthew 6, then come back.

Definitions To Soak In.

BUT – contrast to what has already been mentioned or said

SEEK – to desire, to crave to long for, to inquire into; (Strong Concordance)

FIRST – coming before all others in time or order; foremost in position, rank, or importance.

RIGTHEOUSNESS – acting in accord with divine or moral law; free from guilt or sin; morally right or justifiable a righteous decision

My Now, Eye-Opening Translation of Matthew 6:33 goes like this:

“The Kingdom of God has to be first in my life above anything else. Being in right alignment with God’s principals, laws and commands must be priority for His righteousness in my life. When we renew our minds to God’s original intent He gives us everything else.

So in every area of my life, this is what I hear the Lord saying to me through Matthew 6:33.

My Conversations with God:

Me: I’m feeling stagnant. Maybe I need a more intimate relationship and fellowship with You.

God: Yes, you do. Focus on My Kingdom.

Me: Lord, I want to see the world and travel whenever and wherever.  

God: Many are the plans in a man’s heart but the purpose of the Lord prevails. Focus on My Kingdom First.

Me: I need more cash flow. And I need to make smarter decisions about money, time, and life.

God: What you need to do is focus on My Kingdom First.

Me: Ok, Father, I want to own my own and take command of building a better life for myself!

God: Let me remind you that the Earth is Mine. You own nothing, but I will allow you access. Focus on My Kingdom First.

Me: I need and want a new vehicle, a new home, new clothes, and a fridge stocked with all my favorites.

God: Don’t worry about these things. I already know what you need. Focus on My Kingdom First.

No Matter What You Need In Life.

Healing, a spouse, a great marriage, material things, children, friendships, creative ideas, no matter the life essentials…as the scripture says “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things He will add to you.”

Find out what God’s plans are for your life. Allow Him to guide you because according to Matthew chapter 19:26 with Him all things are possible.


Dear Most High,

We repent before You and ask for Your forgiveness. Thank You for allowing us access to the Kingdom. You have graced us to uncover the fearless, stronger, and more successful version of our true selves. We need You. We need the Kingdom first above all else. As we come before You, we ask that Your will be done in our lives and the lives of others. Lead us and guide us Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

P.S. As a resource, available to you is our FREE eGuide, Wednesdays with God. Letters to the King is also helpful to guide you in your daily prayers to God.


    • Lisa

      Hey Pat! Thank you for taking the time to read this post and allowing God to speak to you. Becoming stagnant is easy to enter and difficult to shake off. I look forward to you enjoying more content, taking advantage of the FREE eGuide and being a part of this life long journey the Lord has us on!


      This is so breath taking, You come from a very intuitive bloodline. God is most definitely using you to encourage others. God has allowed you to release answers to questions to people like me that is clearly written in the Bible that we so easily forget. Seek ye….OH MY GOD, Lisa, Thank you for being obedient and helping and encouraging us with the word of God. May God continue to grow you and your business.

    • Lisa

      Hey Arlene! Yes. Thank God for His grace and mercy. We don’t always put Him first and He continues to love and forgive us. We’ve got to wake up confessing Kingdom First.

    • Willie Ann

      Hi Lisa, I love your prayer guide it is so helpful in getting me discipline in my time with the Lord do you think in the near future you will be putting that in booklet form I would love have it

      • Lisa

        Hi Willie Ann. This is wonderful. I’m so happy to hear that you are enjoying the eGuide, Wednesdays with God. Yes, a booklet may be in the near future.

  • Natalie

    This word was well spoken and delivered. I was reminded that if I seek the kingdom first that all these worldly things I want and need will be added. My wants or desires in this world should never come before my wants and desire to walk with God. To have a personal relationship with him. Hmmmm…Those material wants are just a plus because as long as I have God I am full! He’s enough! Thank-You

    • Lisa

      Hey Natalie. Yes! You said it and summed it up beautifully! Life has so many ups and downs but with God, He never changes and is always here for us. His mercies are new every morning and we have to wake up acknowledging and thanking Him.

  • Luceal

    Thanks Lisa, this is so inspiring. I am 69 years old and I find myself still feeling like I am at a cross road in my life trying to find which direction I need to go. This reminded me to continue to seek God first and he will direct my path.

    • Lisa

      Hey Luceal! Yes! We should always put God first and He will show us the way. We are forever learning. Thank you for taking the time to read and share.

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