Encouragement,  Faith

God’s Order for Rest. Self-care.

On the 7th day, He rested, and you should too. Take some time for yourself! There is no time like the present time to delight in personal, self-care.

The cares of this world and the day-to-day responsibilities can cause us to not sleep or rest well. Taking a day of rest to relax and do nothing is a prescription for life. A weekly dose of rest is recommended.

The Guideline

The bible is a roadmap for us to use to navigate through life. I have read Genesis chapter 2 verses 2 through 3, several times and it wasn’t until later in life, that I took heed that God is instructing us to have a balanced life.

The Example

Genesis 2: 2-3 NIV

2 "By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so, on the seventh day, he rested from all his work." 3 "Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."

Grant it, this is a teaching and instructive element in the scripture where the Lord is being an example for us to follow.

The Unschooled

When I was a young mother and wife, self-care was not a priority for me. I did not know what it was or its importance. To be honest, I thought going full force with work, taking care of the household, college, and life, in general, took precedence. If there was a time that I was doing anything remotely for myself, I would feel guilty.

Today, I would tell my younger self to focus on self-care as well as everything else.

The Delusion and The Self-Talk

Shamefully, I deprived myself from having an adult time-out. My spirit, soul and body were craving for relaxation, and simple pleasures yet I was telling myself things like:

  • Doing for yourself is a luxury.
  • You do not have the time or the money to include yourself.
  • You are being selfish when you do anything for you.
  • If you need a moment for yourself, you shouldn’t make it a habit.

Furthermore, I understand that many women may feel obligated to only focus on others and forego themselves. We must create a life balance and incorporate ME as an equally pressing matter. Without proper balance, everyday life is lopsided.

Role Model Needed

I did not have anyone to guide me in the areas of self-care. I believe it is due to every other woman experiencing the same point of view and philosophy as I did years ago.

Starting today, every chance you get, motivate and inspire other women or young girls to do something special for themselves. You can become that role model.

Self-Care Affirmations – Repeat after me:

  • I will dedicate time for my well-being
  • I will cherish the little things in life
  • I will think pleasant and virtuous thoughts of myself
  • I will not feel guilty for including myself
  • I will pamper myself no matter how big or small

Of course, this does not mean going into debt or neglecting obligations but taking time to practice building a healthy and loving relationship with yourself. It is imperative that your physical, mental, and emotional health be intact.

Now that I am older, I encourage other women to take and look forward to power-up sessions. Power-up sessions are self-care moments you take to relax, relate, release and recharge.

New Motto:

I will find solace, delight, and joy in simple, soothing things in every moment of life!

Relaxing at Centennial Park, Atlanta, GA

Click the link to see some things I partake in for self-gratification. 15 Self-Care Ideas for Any Day of the Year.


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