
Marriage Day Dates to Remember and Explore

Marriage should be honored by all. God says it’s not good for man to be alone and He said He would make him a mate. If the world has dates set aside to honor marriage, then we as Kingdom citizens should represent celebrating marriage.


In this post, you will be enlightened with dates you may not have known existed and are being observed by couples across the globe.

When a man decides to date because he is ready for a mate, Proverbs 18:22 lets us know that he who finds a [true and faithful] wife finds a good thing And obtains favor and approval from the LORD.

Consequently, after a man finds the woman he wants to marry and they wed, according to Ephesians 5:31, he will leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife.

In addition to your wedding anniversary, take a look at some dates you can partake and discover the origin of why it’s observed:

1. World Marriage Day

Second Sunday in February

2. National Marriage Day

Second Friday of June

3. Happily Married Week or National Marriage Week

February 7 through 14

4. National Spouses Day

January 26

5. Wife Appreciation Day

September 19

6. Husband Appreciation Day

Third Saturday of April

There may be others holidays not listed in this article that recognize marriage as a union that should be greatly admired. Wikipedia references World Marriage Day as its purpose is declared to be: “World Marriage Day honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice, and joy in daily married life.

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