Family,  Travels

Traveling the world. Faraway places through my daughter’s eyes.


Encourage your child to live the life that God designed for them. It can be scary for you as the parent but ultimately we all belong to the Lord. 

Proverbs 22:6 says to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. 

Of course, as parents, we have our apprehensions. And for me, here’s why:

Our Daughter, the Solo Traveler.

The reality is that my daughter, Candis, has traveled the world to many beautiful destinations. Thailand, China, Dubai, Egypt, and Malaysia, just to name a few.

From hotel to the hostel, from plane to the bus, whatever transportation that will get her to her magical experience she is all game for it. When I tell you that this little girl of mine thinks that being a fish out of water is a good thing, I’m not joking. She gets a thrill out of it! For her, it is a rush like no other. Meeting new people, learning their way of living, the different languages, and navigating through the culture.

So, you might be thinking… Did I encourage her in the field of study of history, social studies, or science in school? Nope. Can’t say that I did, but her dad on the other hand enjoys history. Was Candis a stickler for a map? Not really. But as an adult, she is inspired by maps, culture, and facts of a place.

Candis and I can talk for hours on the phone just chit-chatting about lots of things. However, when she gets in her traveling mode and wants to talk about the 7, no 10, I think it’s 15, let’s just say all the wonders of the world, she lights up like a Christmas tree and I feel like I’m in class. I’ve learned a lot listening to her about continents and countries and places I didn’t know existed!

Candis visited her favorite mouse in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at a mall.

Fun Facts. 

During Middle School, Candis was assigned ESL students. Coincidence? I think not. Some of the female students that were part of the English as a Second Language (ESL) program would have to sit with her during class, lunch, and P.E. Basically, everywhere she went. This was part of the curriculum for the students to learn English. She also learned a few words from them. Surprisingly enough, they would come up with clever ways to communicate with each other. And as life would have it, two of the students became a friend of a lifetime.

Adulthood. Dreams…


Candis S. Pope Cairo, Egypt

Candis has worked various jobs, in different states and cities, saved money like never before, and traveled from time to time.

However, behind the scenes, her goal was to have a sure-fire plan to travel the world in her time. Whenever she desired to do so.

Up! Up! And away to many ports of call.

International flights? Yes, please. For Candis, it’s an intoxicating rush. When she left her 9 to 5, it was already planned she would travel abroad. The rush of family members and their opinions was overwhelming. We were told things like, “Don’t let her go there, it’s too dangerous.” Or “Have you seen what’s going on in the news about that country?”  All the while she was an adult and living in another state on her own. There was no way we could stop what God had already approved. Or her for that matter. The vision was in motion. This was not fresh news to us. The Lord had already prepared her dad and me for her desire for cross-country travel. To everyone else, it was scary and present-day news.

There are many more destinations that I know Candis wants to explore. Where to next? Will it be some part of Asia, Europe, Antarctica, South America, Africa, or Oceania? Or maybe segments of North America. Her dad and I get excited and nervous at the same time, every time she books a flight. To stay focused and stress-free, the key for us is prayer. And much of it. Oh, and staying off the internet and no reading the news! No, seriously. It’s a must!

What does traveling abroad and making a 3-month pit stop look like? Let’s Dive in.

First stop…Columbia! Three months? What are you thinking? (We tried not to say this out loud.)

For my daughter, Candis, international travel is sheer bliss and excitement. God has anointed her for this. She adapts to different cultures. I can say she is genuinely interested. Engaging in reading, learning, and listening is particularly important and part of her overall experience.

So, what do you do when you have savings but no job? You teach yourself and learn to become a freelance writer. Yep, that’s what this Millennial, Gen Next did. Fearless.

A few things that one must be conscious of when traveling to different countries. Candis gave me the scoop on a few things:

Scrambled eggs and crawfish tails, oh my! The food.

 If you are a picky eater, then you might want to steer clear of traveling out of the country. Some of the photos and videos of food that Candis has shared with me are mouth-watering. And other items, not so much. I do enjoy different types of food and am willing to try various treats.


Overlooking Guatape Colombia

The sceneries are breathtaking. The experience is like no other. I am mesmerized by every picture.

Hair, nails, and make-up. If your place of origin is the United States and you are used to certain products to manage your locs, you may have to settle for a truly natural look because your products just might not be available. I don’t know if I would like this very much. Every convenience you cherish is not at your fingertips. Candis had no problem adjusting and had prepared herself for her country-hopping exploits.

Toilets and toilet paper.

One of my most eye-opening history lessons was the squat toilet. As Candis shared the interesting details of the squat toilet a few things came to mind…nasty, gross, and disgusting. I was turned off, even more, when I saw a picture of one. I itched and gagged for days! It was a picture of one that was not appealing to look at or imagine using.

So, needless to say, I am not as adventurous as Candis, and I don’t get all tingly and warm and fuzzy on the inside when thinking about traveling abroad. Will I ever step out of my comfort zone and take a leap and physically go on one of her daring adventures? Stay tuned to see.

Has this world been made to be free? Certainly.

Our lives can be as compelling as we desire them to be. God wants us to explore his creation. Are you yearning to take a leap of faith? Although Covid 19 has brought forth setbacks and delays, I believe the Lord will allow us to take advantage of his majestic masterpiece, once again, in a magnificent way.

Growing up and in her travels, I think of the many people of different nationalities our daughter has met over the years.

It’s a blessing and a treasure.

To travel abroad or not travel abroad. That is the question. To sum things up.

I am so proud of the woman our daughter has become. She lives her life the way she wants to live it and is not ashamed. She will travel alone or with a friend. If it’s just her and Jesus, she is still captivated and carries on.

Seeing things through the eyes of your child is great. However, what is your next vacation or place to relax, relate and release? I enjoy traveling and seeing new places. There are many places in North America to find much delight and great quests as well. So don’t feel like you haven’t lived and must drum up the courage to go out of the country. Trust me, it’s not for everyone. Let’s take some time, you, and me, to journal and make a list of the places and things we want to explore.

Being a parent, you have no idea who your child will grow up to be. I can say that our Lord and Savior has allowed me to be the mother of two unique and talented people.

In a post about our son, I talked about going to work with our child, Derick Pope, II. Well, Candis’ work is different in that as a freelance writer it affords her the luxury of being able to work on the go. I have not traveled to any of the fascinating places she immersed herself in, but I’m sure we will plan to venture to a destination together. Until then, I will continue to take a sneak peek into her travels along the way.


Candis Cocora Valley- Home to the largest palm trees in the world

Encourage your child to live the life that God designed for them. It can be scar

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