
Song of Solomon: Songs of Love, Marriage, and Sex

One of the most beautiful expressions of love, in the bible, is the Song of Solomon. So admired that God made sure that it was documented and is still eye-opening today.

Love at first sight, this dark-skinned peasant Shulamite girl won the heart of King Solomon.

Their profession of love and desire is exemplified throughout the book of Song of Solomon. A true love story of how a man and a woman should respond to the needs of one another and not be ashamed to let the world know. This is an example of how God intends for men and women to operate in their relationships and marriage. To be gentle, loving, caring, and tender with the one you call your king, your queen.

This love-struck couple exudes feelings and emotions so deep you cannot help but feel it when reading about their romantic experiences. You can imagine them singing love songs and gazing into each other’s eyes.

It’s a remarkable and passionate romance. One that every couple can learn and take heed from.

Solomon was exceedingly wise in numerous areas of his life and love was just one sector. When he asked and God granted him wisdom it was to the full. He spoke thousands of proverbs and over one thousand songs but this one is the best.

God created love, marriage, and sex and sees them as good.

This story of love, marriage, and sex in the Song of Solomon represents the true nature of the bride and the groom. The husband and the wife.

Whether it’s written words, songs, or poems, this is a descriptive account of an expression of love and celebration. Study the scriptures to uncover the couple’s love for each other.

Derick and I have read this book countless times and in various translations. The books are written with male and female speakers which makes it more of a script reading. Therefore, my husband reads all that indicate “he” and I read “she” parts and we interchange reading “friends”.

The Song of Solomon depicts the joys of love and marriage. The couple describes each other with characteristics and things from their era. Solomon states in Song of Songs chapter 4 verse 2 NKJV that her teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep. Fast forward to the 21st century and a woman would be offended if her significant other told her that her teeth are like a flock of sheep.

Ironically, we each have favorite things that gratify us, so we technically describe our lover in the same way. If your spouse seems a little unorthodox, in their description of you, don’t be offended because when you read the Song of Solomon, you will have a better understanding of the different ways, we may communicate our endearment.

The Lord is Lord and brilliant in all His creations. He made sure that throughout the word of God we have access to every area of life. He truly provided everything needed for us on earth. The pleasure and gift of love, marriage, and sex are to be honored.

Currently, there are a wealth of books and other materials on love, marriage, and sex. I would suggest to any couple to read Song of Solomon several times during the marriage relationship.

Ultimately, if you are lacking in wisdom, knowledge, or understanding in marriage, God tells us to ask. He is so gracious and ready to give it.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

Allow the word of God to be your guide in your marriage. Proverbs 3:6 states “In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.

Be blessed and find wisdom in your marriage relationship and every area of your life!

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