
To Whom Much is Given… Kingdom Citizen Responsibility

Luke 12:48b reads “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.



This scripture used to scare me. I wanted to be given, which at the time, my interpretation was “things”. My mind would wander and I would tell myself that if God gave me the “things” He would require me to leave my country and live overseas for years. This was my thought process and I did not want this assignment!

Unbeknownst to me, God was not calling me to the mission field, but a greater good.

I was inexperienced with how to read and study scriptures and the Lord’s assignments. Reading the full chapter was not a practice of mine, either. The first part of verse 48 that referenced “punishment and beaten: is what I dwelled on. Along, with the much responsibility.

Thankfully, God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:8

The Use of the Lord’s Blessings

As you are endowed with the favor of God, He expects you to use your talents, and gifts to enrich others. This includes the knowledge, wisdom, prosperity and time He provides as well.

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.  Psalms 24:1

Graciously, God allows us access to the Kingdom and we can utilize His belongings.

So be uplifted when you experience:

  • The Grace of God
  • His Promises Unfolding
  • The Love of the Lord
  • The Presence of God
  • The Holy Spirit


Praise God for His revelation knowledge. Fear no longer has a hold on me and I do not have to run from His promptings. I can operate in boldness.

As you grow in Christ, your confidence, courage and boldness is manifested. I can say that I am confident and bold.

Jesus modeled His assignment with perfection

In Matthew 4:17 He taught and preached this message…“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

Jesus invites us to share in this responsibility. We are called to repent and live as Kingdom citizens.

As we read through the Gospels we see that Jesus had a transparent mission. Many times, after healing the sick, teaching or performing miracles, He would give the receiver a direct assignment:

“Go and sin no more.”

Jesus taught and showed compassion.

The life He modeled was that we too can choose better lifestyle choices. We have power over sin.

To Whom?

YOU! You are the to whom. As born-again believers, we are entrusted with much.


ABUNDANCE! As you gain knowledge of the Kingdom of God and are spiritually-prosperous, share this blessing.

Is Given

LIFE, GIFTS, KNOWLEDGE, TIME! Blessed, happy, fortunate.


TREMENDOUS! You have been given a wealth of resources throughout life. Therefore, be expected to be used, exercise your authority and give.

is Required

DEMANDED! You have a responsibility, an assignment, a call of duty to carry out the things entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit. The great commission!

What are some of your assignments?

Assignments fulfill purpose. God has called you and has a meaning for your life.  The Lord has assigned an amazing purpose for you. In order to develop and grow in your spiritual life you have to respond to His assignments. Obedience is better than sacrifice

As you continue to discover more of your gifts and talents:

  • Live as a kingdom citizen: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” -Matthew 6:10
  • Minister God’s word: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” -Matthew 4:19

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Believe God for healing for yourself and others, lay hands on the sick, preach the Gospel to those that do not know Jesus and share the love of Christ!

Everyday the Lord allows you the opportunity to be a blessing to the body of Christ. Be bold. Be strong because the Lord your God is with you!


  • Diane Greenwood

    When I realized how much God has given me to serve with, I cried. All I could hear ringing in my ear was, much is required. I wanted to rid myself of so much responsibility.
    However, life has taught me to embrace it and honor the King who has called me.

    Thanks for this convicting reminder. Your readers will be blessed as you continue to serve us such delicacies.

    • Lisa

      Hey Diane. Oh my goodness! Yes! I get it. God will quickly get us in line and remind us that life is not about us but about Him, the Creator. So, might as well submit. 🙌🏽

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