Encouragement,  Faith

Wednesdays with God

Years ago, I decided to stop my hit-or-miss time spent with the Lord. I needed to be consistent and make some improvements in my life concerning my relationship and fellowship with the King.

On a daily basis, I dedicate time to pray and read, however, Wednesdays are a deeper, intimate flow. I recognize that this is not for God, this is for me!

Click the link here or below for your FREE Wednesdays with God eGuide!

Here is what I know:

  • The key to effective use of time is finding the correct priorities. As the saying goes, whatever you spend your time on that is who you are or who you become. 

  • There is one thing in life all of mankind shares collectively and that is twenty-four hours in a day. Have you ever considered tithing time? 2.4 hours is 10% of the day. Refresh yourself in the word of God. Be still and allow the Lord to drop some nuggets in your spirit. I am telling you that you are going to learn some things about yourself you did not know.

  • Get tuned in, tapped in, and turned on to the things of God. Put the Kingdom first in every area of your life and let Him be your guide. I can tell you that this is time well spent, therapeutic, and extremely beneficial. I’m talking about power-ful! When my husband left his 9 to 5 and started his work-from-home, laptop lifestyle, he too came on board with this life-changing experience. 

  • Fast, Study, Journal. If you have spent time developing any type of relationship, you know that it takes dedication and effort. God is always ready, willing, and available for us to fellowship and grow our relationship with Him.
  • Thoughts & Ideas: Find ways to connect with the Creator. Spend time in nature. Play bible trivia. Create flashcards to learn new scriptures. Download the bible app. While on the app, click discover, next teaching clips and/or podcasts. Be creative and find ways that benefit your work life balance.

Join us and begin your weekly commitment. We took some of the guesswork out for you so feel free to take advantage of this FREE eGuide. (Remember, any day is a great day to get connected, choose a day that works best for you.) Also, check out this helpful resource, 

I look forward to hearing how you spend your time with God.

Lisa K. Pope Centennial Park, Atlanta, GA

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 NKJV


Check out this helpful resource, Letters to the King, to incorporate into your daily prayer life.

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